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Our Difference

Tag Sports

Tag Sports

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TAG Sports is proud to lay the groundwork for a healthy future for our children and promote a lifetime of vitality.

It is a unique sports program exclusively crafted by the Atlantis Group and developed using the principles from SportAUS and the Physical Literacy Framework.









With a focus on popular and fundamental sports, our sports programs utilise movement and physical activities to develop core competencies during a child’s formative years. By doing so it equips them with crucial life skills such as problem-solving, communication and emotional regulation that are essential for both school and adulthood.

TAG Sports will be integrated into our weekly programs across our Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) and Early Learning Services, have been specifically tailored for children up to the age of 12 and will include:

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Physical Literacy

Physical Literacy is the foundation of a lifelong love for movement. It encompasses the skills, confidence and motivation to lead an active and healthy life.

Our TAG Sports Physical Literacy Framework is a holistic concept integrating ability, mindset, community and logic to support active and fulfilling lives. It unites efforts in childhood development and commits us to a lifetime of healthy behaviours.

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